Staunton Lodge, for the 11th Year, Uses the Beacon and Spotlight Grants
to Provide Coats and Essential Clothes to Local Children in Need Staunton Elks Lodge #351 has completed its 11th year providing coats, pajamas, and an outfit to 109 children at Staunton City Schools Dixon Learning Center. The Lodge was able to do this through Beacon and Spotlight Grants totaling $6000. The total amount spent on the project was $6318.25 with Staunton Lodge providing $318.25 to complete the purchase. Twenty Lodge members, devoting 320 hours, participated in the purchase and delivery of the clothing just in time for the weather to make a change! Winchester, Va. Elks 867 Helping People
The Winchester Elks 867 did a diaper and coat drive in the lodge social quarters for the month of November and today board members delivered over 100 coats, 25 cases of diapers and $500 worth of non perishable food items to CCAP - Executive Director Andrea Cousens accepted the items - Elks Care, Elks Share! ![]() The Pulaski Lodge recently had a visit from area delegate, Jed Arnold. Please click on the link below to read the article and see the pictures. ![]() Pictured left to right: Teresa Smith, Gloria Via, and C.J. Via. Clifton Forge Lodge 1065 Initiates three new members. They also approved five membership applications. Clifton Forge Lodge 1065 recently initiated and welcomed three new members. Five membership applications were also approved. Clifton Forge Elks Lodge 1065 recently delivered 1100 pair of safety glasses to area schools. Safety glasses are one of two major projects for the Virginia Elks Association. Add photos and descriptions.
In no order are Brayden Anderson, Beth Ann Bannister, Catherine Beckman, Pearce Bucher, Kathleen Chappell, Tina Clem, Christopher Fry, Cornella Hodson, Becky Kerns, Andrew Kiddey, Shannon Lockhart, Robert Loraine, Donald McCarty, Harojd Clemens, Mary Robinson, Brian Smith Jr., David Sobonya, Debra Stewart, Kerry Stewart, Randall Fishback, Michelle Umbernour, Tracy Alan Umbenour, Amy Wotring, Billy Young, Amanda Wisely, and Gaylon Teets.
Winchester Elks 867 held their 2nd monthly meeting on September 18, 2024, with general business and initiation of 26 new members. Three additional new members, Sheri Nichols, James Girondaa, and Kimberly Snider, were initiated on September 17, by ER David Gardiner. All were made wELKcomed with free drink of choice and Hot Dogs. ![]() Pictured left to right are Committee member Cindy Wright, VFW Post 1033 member Bill Atherholt, and Exalted Ruler Chris Hutchison. Clifton Forge Lodge 1065 recently donated to The Wall That Heals committee. The Wall is a smaller, portable version of the Vietnam Memorial Wall. It is a traveling, three-quarter scale replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC that travels the country. Along with The Wall replica, there is a mobile Education Center. The Wall will be in Covington October 3-6 at the Jackson River Sports Complex. ![]() Pictured left to right are Exalted Ruler Alicia Pome, Adam Malik, 1st place winner 7th grade, Lucia Aldeman, 1st place winner 6th grade, and Bob Thompson, contest chairman. The Arlington-Fairfax Lodge # 2188 presented local students with plaques and the Grand Lodge sent them $1000 checks for winning first place in the nation in the annual Americanism Essay Contest. Thousands of students from across the country participated in the annual contest themed “What the Bill of Rights means to me”. Adam Malik and Lucia Alderman, sponsored by Arlington Fairfax Elks Lodge #2188, won first place in the state of Virginia as well as first place in the entire nation in grade levels 7 and 6 respectively. The 2024-25 school year contest’s theme is: “What does Patriotism mean to me” and is open to all students grades 5- 8. Reagan National Airport Frozen Food Delivery - PER Patti Graves; PER Rose Thiebaut, Secretary Jan Sullivan As Summer 2024 turns to Fall, Arlington-Fairfax Lodge 2188 support of the area USO facilities heats up and never falls short. Our Lodge volunteers delivered 10 boxes of hearty frozen food/sandwiches to both the USOs at Reagan National Airport and Joint Base Myer/Henderson Hall (Ft Myer) USO - filling their empty freezers. These food deliveries are made approximately every 3 weeks and are made possible by a Veterans Affairs Veterans Service (VAVS) grant from Grand Lodge and from the donations of our generous Lodge 2188 members. Then, thanks to the Elks Grand Lodge Freedom Grant, we were also able to provide a very large delivery of essential snack foods to Ft Myer - 30 boxes. The snack foods include chips, protein bars, jerky, breakfast bars, apple sauce, etc. These snacks help power the Honor Guard members through their day as they perform multiple funeral services for our departed military/veterans at Arlington National Cemetery. PER Laurie Fearis also donated a box of printer paper to help the Ft Myer USO with a muchneeded, essential office supply. Thank you to all who continue to support this amazing Lodge program. As Elks we will never stop supporting our veterans and military! Ft. Myer Frozen Food Delivery - PER Patti Graves; PER Rose Thiebaut, Secretary Jan Sullivan Snack Delivery to Ft Myer USO - PER Patti Graves; PER Rose Thiebaut
Your Virginia Elks Charitable Trust will hold a Draw Down fundraiser on Friday Night, October 25th, from 6:00 to 9:00pm in the Cape Fear Room at our State Convention in Virginia Beach.
We will sell 150 tickets at $100 each. Winners do not have to be present for the drawing. Half of the proceeds will be paid back in prizes and the other half will go to the trust fund, with the top prize being $2000. Faye Willard will be mailing tickets to the Exalter Rulers of the Lodges to sell. Please make sure each ticket has a name, contact number and Lodge number. If you have any questions or need additional tickets, please contact Faye! Thank you for Supporting Your Charitable Trust! Fraternally, Rod Jones PDDGER Chairman, Virginia Charitable Trust Fund Elroy sees Charlottesville Lodge #389 Campers Off as They Leave for Virginia Elks Youth Camp9/12/2024
Charlottesville Elks Lodge #389 provided each of their campers who were attending the Virginia Elks Youth Camp with a goody bag.
The bag of goodies included a drug awareness wristband, coloring books with crayons, pencils, big eraser, playing cards, and Elroy personally bought juice boxes, breakfast bars and fruit gummies. As they left, Elroy and ER Alane Celli were there to see them off. From May through August 2024, we had the opportunity to bring our Americanism Program and Elk
Lodge 389 to the forefront at the downtown Pavilion on Fridays. A table was set up where Linda Burgin gave out flag pins, and brochures about our flag and patriotism. The Lodge also had membership applications available and provided information on how Elks contribute to the needs of our community. The Lodge received an application for membership which will be proposed at our next meeting! Thank you, Elk helpers Mike Birgin and daughter Tabitha for volunteering Group pic of Elk Volunteers including Apollo, Erin Stricklands specially trained German Shepherd. On the evening of August 06, 2024, the Virginia Beach Elks Lodge 2268 participated in the National Nite Out 2024. Members Eric and Erin Strickland graciously allowed us to use their home on a culde-sac to set up the Drug Awareness materials. Elroy was present to welcome families, first responders, and community members. Food, snacks and drink provided. We had a great turnout of approximately 125. Drug Awareness tables. Amy Simone passing out Drug Awareness information First Responders Present Member Erin Strickland and Apollo greeting First Elroy (AKA Anthony Williams PER)
interacts with kids. Jones and Cabacoy Veterans Care Center outing to Tides Baseball Game with the Virginia Beach Elks Lodge 2268 On August 24th 7 Veterans and 2 Staff members from Jones and Cabacoy Veteran’s Care Center were escorted to a Tides Baseball game by 7 Elks. A great American Tradition enjoyed by all! This event was made possible by the ENVSC and the Virginia Beach Elks Lodge#2268. $250 dollars covered tickets and food and beverages for all. Stadium Photos Lodge member Amy Simone and Veteran Bob
(L to R) John Owen, Board of Grand Trustees, Mrs. Dellis, Principle, Stepanie Levey, Reading
Specialist, Lennie Hutton, Exalted Ruler and Nancy Owen, Trustee. Donation to Bedford Primary School (Beacon Grant) Bedford Lodge #2844 received a Beacon Grant in the amount of $4000. School supplies that every teacher needs were able to receive journals, crayons, totes and coloring books for the total enrollment of 300 children. These supplies help the teachers focus on academic skills for each child instead of concerns over where supplies are coming from. The grant also provides the lodge to be able to provide new books to all 300 children 3 times per year. The students share the books in their school room and take them home as their book. Thisis in hopes of sharing with siblings or parents who may be limited in reading skills. It is the foundation for doing well at school, socializing, problem-solving, and making decisions. It contributes to cognitive development, literacy achievement and academic skills. Early language and literacy skills are related to later achievement in reading, writing and spelling. Reading aloud, sharing stories and singing with children helps develop early literacy skills. What a wonderful way for Elks to share. The children are our future. Liberty High School –(L-R) John Owen, Board of Grand Trustees, Chelsie Little, Guidance
Counselor, 2 Students from Shop class, Lennie Hutton, Exalted Ruler, and Nancy Owen, Trustee Scholarships/Safety Glasses/Americanism What a tribute for a lodge to be able to do. The Elks National Foundation offers scholarships to outstanding, service-minded high school seniors. Each year, ENF awards more than $3 million in college scholarships to at least 850 students. The scholarships are for undergraduate study only, and a student may not receive more than one grant in any one academic year. Safety glasses are not regular glasses and regular glasses are not safety glasses. Safety glasses help to provide eye and face protection for students whenever they are exposed to potential eye injuries at school. The glasses help in Shop, Cosmetology, Nursing, Car mechanic, Construction, Woodworking and JROTC rifle. Americanism – “What does Patriotism Mean to Me?” The opportunity to give to the Middle Schools gives the chance to instill in our youth patriotism in our country while allowing students to reflect on what freedom means to them. The schools where deliveries were: Liberty Middle, James River Day School and Staunton River Middle and Boy Scout Troop #143 |
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December 2024