Vincent Brandtner, Virginia Elks State President
Wow! President of a State Organization like the ELK’s is something I never thought about until 4 years ago. But things change and opportunities open that you never considered possible. I have been an ELK for 40 years and moved through the chairs and various committees including the all-important House Committee. Throughout these years I have learned that ELKS truly are the Best People on Earth. Regardless of the goal you set before them they will respond with the energy and enthusiasm required to achieve them.
I can’t begin to tell you how honored I am to be the Flag bearer of the Virginia State ELKS. My moto for this year is Charity/Service. These are corner stones for our organization. I strongly believe we need to continue to focus on these areas, and as always, the veterans at the forefront.
Membership is the yard stick we use as a measurement of how well we get out the message of what we do. I am always surprised when we do an indoctrination and our new prospect are unaware of the charitable works we do for our local communities. This past year Virginia had a gain of 1.1% in membership. A positive gain but I would like to challenge us to double this for next year. In terms of numbers this would mean an increase from 87 new members this year to 174, lets round up to 175 increase. We can do this by letting people know who we are and what we do. Be LOUD AND PROUD.
Thank you for the opportunity you have given Barbara and me to serve you.