Staunton Lodge, for the 11th Year, Uses the Beacon and Spotlight Grants
to Provide Coats and Essential Clothes to Local Children in Need Staunton Elks Lodge #351 has completed its 11th year providing coats, pajamas, and an outfit to 109 children at Staunton City Schools Dixon Learning Center. The Lodge was able to do this through Beacon and Spotlight Grants totaling $6000. The total amount spent on the project was $6318.25 with Staunton Lodge providing $318.25 to complete the purchase. Twenty Lodge members, devoting 320 hours, participated in the purchase and delivery of the clothing just in time for the weather to make a change! Elroy sees Charlottesville Lodge #389 Campers Off as They Leave for Virginia Elks Youth Camp9/12/2024
Charlottesville Elks Lodge #389 provided each of their campers who were attending the Virginia Elks Youth Camp with a goody bag.
The bag of goodies included a drug awareness wristband, coloring books with crayons, pencils, big eraser, playing cards, and Elroy personally bought juice boxes, breakfast bars and fruit gummies. As they left, Elroy and ER Alane Celli were there to see them off. From May through August 2024, we had the opportunity to bring our Americanism Program and Elk
Lodge 389 to the forefront at the downtown Pavilion on Fridays. A table was set up where Linda Burgin gave out flag pins, and brochures about our flag and patriotism. The Lodge also had membership applications available and provided information on how Elks contribute to the needs of our community. The Lodge received an application for membership which will be proposed at our next meeting! Thank you, Elk helpers Mike Birgin and daughter Tabitha for volunteering |
Virginia ElksOfficial news feed for members and the public Archives
December 2024